Uttarakhand Encyclopedia : उत्तराखण्ड ज्ञानकोष अपना उत्तराखण्ड आइये, जाने, समझें और जुडें अपने पहाड़ से, अपने उत्तराखण्ड से मेरा पहाड़ फोरम तब नहीं तो अब गैरसैंण, अब नहीं तो कब गैरसैंण राजधानी से कम मंजूर नहीं

9 responses to “Gumani Pant : An Unknown But Great Poet From Uttarakhand”

  1. bhishma Kukreti

    The famous Khadi Boli poet of Pithora Garh, Gumani Pant (1780-1846) spent some period in the Garhwal kingdom at the time of king Sudarshan Shah. Gumani Pant will be remembered in Sanskrit, Hindi , Garhwali, Kumaoni , Nepali, Himalayan literature for creating peculiar poetries.. He used to write poems in Sanskrit but the last part of stanza would be in Garhwali , Kumaoni or Nepali as:
    Uttam dhamk padanti, madhyam cha turatari
    Nish dam farak padanti , kachhedi ma ch Tukituki II
    Vadhurlok beerasya lamkeshwarasya , prasrmedhanadasya maydays
    Rate devar hant mandodari sa, hwai rand nari gai laj sari
    Source: Shailvani edited by Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna , 1981, Himalaya Kla Sangam, Delhi, PP10 and courtsey by Keshav Datt Ghildiyal

  2. suresh pant

    “1897 में चन्ना गांव, अल्मोड़ा के देवीदत्त पाण्डे जी ने “कुमानी कवि विरचित संस्कृत एवं भाषा काव्य” लिखा है ”
    मेरे विचार से ये देवी दत्त पांडे छाना गांव के थे जो अब पिथोरागढ़ जिले में है |
    लेख अच्छा है , बधाई |

  3. manipant

    Great Gumanipant poet of Kumaoni is very famous in our socity by his cultural lyrics

  4. Nirmal kumar bhatt

    In the decade of seventies Dr. Basant Ballabh Bhatt has done his Phd. from Benaras Hindu Viswavidyalaya on the topic-SANSKRIT VANGMAY KO GUMANI KE DEN.At present Dr. Bhatt is doing editorial work for “KALYAN” patrika of geeta press from Benaras.To know more about Gumani this reasearch can be reffered.

  5. jitendra

    Shri Gumani Pant was indeed a great poet of his time. His contribution remained unrecognized for a very long time. Few of his followers have contributed greatly to remove some dust from the history in order to bring laurel to this great poet. In this regard Shri Umesh Chandra Pant contribution is very appreciable. In fact , he is such a great devotee of Shri Gumani that he named his resident as “Gumani Dham” (currently located as Bharapuri, Ramnagar, Nainital). He also runs an NGO called “Gumani Shodh” Kendra which is aimed to spread the vast literature esoteric to Uttarakhand as of now.

  6. ललित पन्त

    बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
    गुमानी पन्त जी के पैत्रक गांव गया था पर कोई जानकारी नहीं मिल पाई थी ।अब काफी जानकारी मिल गई हैं धन्यवाद।

  7. Rajendra singh Dangwal

    Gumani Pant was a great poet of Kumaoni dialect .After reading his poetry I am in position that he was intelligent as well as educate , Many persons has wrote about Gumani but the remark of Late Yamunadut Vasnav is very correct and has weight Kumaoni dialectis pure Sanskrit but their pronunciationis not correct One word is tees in Kumaon it is wrong pronunciation of Trishana and word Anguwai is come from ALANGAn JHAN mean not it also come from Sanskrit According .Dr Late Vasnva the name of Kumaoni language is Khuskhura or language of Khash or Yashkhsh Although Gumani was intelligent he could composed poetry is another language but he choose his own mother tongue We have to proud that Gumani pant has born here

  8. sanjay singh rana

    who considers Gumani Pant as the most ancient poet of Uttarakhand?
    (a) Father Kamel Bulke
    (b) Sir Gerorge Griyarsan
    (c) Ramchandra Shukla
    (d) Nanvar Singh

  9. दीपा

    इनका काव्य के कला पक्ष और भाव पक्ष के बारे में बताए ।

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