Uttarakhand Encyclopedia : उत्तराखण्ड ज्ञानकोष अपना उत्तराखण्ड आइये, जाने, समझें और जुडें अपने पहाड़ से, अपने उत्तराखण्ड से मेरा पहाड़ फोरम तब नहीं तो अब गैरसैंण, अब नहीं तो कब गैरसैंण राजधानी से कम मंजूर नहीं


About various developments in Uttarakhand.

Hill Women: New Ideas

लेखक : उमाशंकर मिश्र प्रकृति की गोद में बसे उत्तराखंड की वादियों में जनजीवन कठिन ही नहीं अद्भुत भी है, लोग सीमित संसाधनों के बूते जीवन यापन की राह तलाश में जुटे रहते हैं। लेकिन अब उत्तराखंड भी पलायन की मार से बच नहीं पाया है. ऐसे में महिलाओं के हौसले की दाद देनी होगी, […]

Business,Development and Cricket…

Business,Development and Cricket…

Yesterday we have discussed about the development in Uttarakhand. This is a recession time. Many sectors are feeling the heat of the same. The hydropower sector in Uttarakhand is also feeling the pinch of the recession, with developers,investors wary of making new investments in the sector.Officials sources said development of hydropower was itself a slow […]

Elections Over let’s focus on Development of Uttarakhand

Elections Over let’s focus on Development of Uttarakhand

Since inception, Uttarakhand has witnessed many changes as far as political power is concerned.Bhagat Singh Kosyari of BJP to Narayan Dutt Tewari of congress to present chief minister B.C.Khanduri with every election mood of voters seems to be changing. Recently concluded Loksabha election was no different. While there is a BJP government in State all […]