Gumani Pant : An Unknown But Great Poet From Uttarakhand
कवि गुमानी पन्त जी का जन्म विक्रत संवत् १८४७, कुमांर्क गते २७, बुधवार, फरवरी १७९० को काशीपुर में हुआ था, इनका पैतृक निवास स्थान ग्राम-उपराड़ा, गंगोलीहाट, पिथौरागढ़ था। इनका मूल नाम लोकनाथ पन्त था। कहते हैं कि काशीपुर के महाराजा गुमान सिंह की सभा में राजकवि रहने के कारण इनका नाम लोकरत्न “गुमानी” पड़ा और […]
Hilljatra : A folk festival in Pithoragarh
A festival of pastoralists and agriculturist hilljatra came to Pithoragarh valley from West Nepal and at once found fevour in Kumaour and Bajethi and in its modified form as Hiran-chital at Kanalichina, Dewalthal and Askot. It is associated with ropai (paddy transplantation) and allied agricultural activities of rainy season. In was introduced in Soar by […]
Chaukori : A Himalayan Hide Way
Chaukori is a dream, surrounded by the towering Himalayan peaks and dense forests. At a height of 2,010 mtrs, above the sea level and 173 km away from Nainital, Chaukori is not just another hill station, but it’s for the very few, who want to be there, in the majestic proximity of the Himalayas for […]